Chinatu Mpamugo
Best-Selling Author

Best Selling Author
Chinatu Mpamugo
Chinatu Mpamugo is a massage and stroke therapist with more than seven years on-the-job experience. A seasoned researcher, author and writer with special interest in stroke survivors, caregivers, family and friends of stroke survivors.
1. Diploma in Massage Therapy
2. Diploma in Mental Health
3. Occupational Therapy – Fundamental of Rehabilitation Science
4. Massage from Around the World
5. Basics of Lymphatic Drainage Massage
Allison diplomas and certificates
Other Books
By Chinatu Mpamugo
Classic Pieace
When a person suffers a stroke whether it is partial ormassive with severe or mild side effects, one thing can be clear,the individual’s life will never remain the same. Stroke produces several turning points in people’s life. All because of the complications and it’s aftereffects. Unfortunately, many people rarely think or talk about this life-changing and life-threatening condition.
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